Kippins is based in Australia and is run by a small team. Heather the founder shares stories of fun, magic and being gentle to the planet through our very special friends – the Kippins, and help everyone get a little more shut eye.
Kippins' comforters are a simple, natural and proven way to make baby feel safe and secure, and to encourage self-soothing during times of change or at nap time.
在澳洲, ‘kip”指的昰小睡, 午睡的意思
而Kippins, 就是陪伴寶寶小睡時的小伙伴!
Kippins – 一位媽媽為了想給自己孩子特別又舒服的安撫巾而有了設計靈感
材質均通過GOTS認證有機棉, 使用水性油墨染印
給寶寶最安全, 最時尚, 最可愛的陪伴!!